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CILCSA Promotes Austin Hatch on Central IL Business Leaders Podcast

Michael Thomas joined the Central IL Business Leaders Podcast (CIBL) Podcast to talk about a leadership event that area business leaders CAN’T MISS. The Central Illinois Customer Service Association and Springfield Clinic have partnered together to host an event on Wednesday, June 7 in Springfield at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel.

Austin Hatch is the keynote speaker for the event. Austin is a two-time plane crash survivor, former college athlete and inspirational speaker.

The lessons that Austin Hatch learned on his journey from a coma to a wheelchair, to playing basketball for Michigan can apply to overcoming any form of adversity. His talks leave audiences inspired to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. We each face challenges every day; Austin believes part of his purpose in life is to inspire others to find ways to thrive in the midst of them.

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