Michael Thomas joined the Central IL Business Leaders Podcast (CIBL) Podcast to talk about a leadership event that area business leaders CAN’T MISS. The Central Illinois Customer Service Association and Springfield Clinic have partnered together to host an event on Wednesday, June 7 in Springfield at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel.
Austin Hatch is the keynote speaker for the event. Austin is a two-time plane crash survivor, former college athlete and inspirational speaker.
The lessons that Austin Hatch learned on his journey from a coma to a wheelchair, to playing basketball for Michigan can apply to overcoming any form of adversity. His talks leave audiences inspired to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. We each face challenges every day; Austin believes part of his purpose in life is to inspire others to find ways to thrive in the midst of them.
This event is FREE to attend! You can register for the event here: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Grit-and-Thriving—Austin-Hatch-Educational-Event.html?soid=1132383124178&aid=aWp5EFDiwbQ