Member Spotlight!
OOT Box Media is a full-service creative agency that produces content that builds brands and connects people!
We turned the tables on CILCSA member Andrew Bartlett and interviewed him!
Andrew shares that OOT Box Media provides customer service by staying on top of their customers needs and projects. Correcting mistakes right away and making it right is their top priority to make sure everything is spot on.
OOT Box Media has found that through a high level of customer service they have seen many referrals generated from current customers! Their ability to act quickly and continue to hire to the team to meet business demand has proven to help the business grow.
Learn more as Andrew tells their story.
Bringing our members closer through a "getting to know you" video series.
Would you like to have your business highlighted?
Any current member of CILCSA is welcome to reach out and schedule an interview today!
You will be featured on our website, social media & Constant Contact e-blast!
E-mail: to be added to our line-up!